Sunday Romans - Making Oil Lamps, Auxiliary Soldiers, Roman School and Archer
The lamp maker explains the variety of Roman oil lamps, the auxiliary soldiers report on their everyday lives, the Roman school invites you to a lesson and the archer invites you to try archery.

Sunday Romans - Magic and Bone Carving
Find out how people in ancient Rome wanted to protect themselves and their possessions from all evil and envy. At the bone carver's, Roman fans of all ages can make their own lucky charm amulet out of bone.

Sunday Romans - Messenger rider with horse and Roman school
Accompany the messenger rider and his horse at various stations through the fort as he reports on his everyday life in the Roman army. The Roman school provides insights into the everyday life of the children and invites you to join in.

Sunday Romans - Needle binding, bone carving and Roman bread
Try the old handcraft technique of needle binding yourself. The bone carver can make your own needle for it. There is also fresh Roman bread from the clay dome ovens.

Sunday Romans - Gladiators by AMOR MORTIS
The gladiators show their skills in front of an audience in three performances. The group is available all day in the camp to answer any questions about life in ancient professional sport.

Sonntagsrömer - Archer and Beekeeper
Try your hand at archery with authentic reconstructions of antique bows. The beekeeper explains how the ancient art of beekeeping has been practiced for thousands of years.

Sonntagsrömer - metal and wood crafts
Learn about two important craft techniques from antiquity: metalworking and woodworking. The craftsmen and women invite you to join in.

Sunday Romans - auxiliary soldiers and beneficiaries
The soldiers of the 4th Vindeliker Cohort report on the everyday life of the men who were stationed at the Saalburg. They are accompanied by a beneficiary who, as a soldier, had police-like duties.