
May 31, 2025 | Lecture
20 Years of the Limes World Heritage Site
The Upper Germanic-Raetian Limes (ORL) is part of a larger whole, as the borders of the Roman Empire from the Antonine Wall in Scotland to the Iža bridgehead fort in Slovakia and also the Dacian Limes in Romania have now been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

June 1, 2025 | Lecture
The Limes in Hesse - New Discoveries at the UNESCO World Heritage Site
With a total length of 550 km, the Roman Limes is the largest archaeological monument in Europe, of which around 150 km run through Hesse.

June 29, 2025 | Lecture
Roman Wood Processing - Finds and Craft Practice
Roman woodcraft with its highly developed craft tradition is evident in the preserved wooden finds as well as the diverse known tools.