Training for teachers
As part of a 90-minute guided tour of the fort, the museum education team at Saalburg offers teaching staff the opportunity to gain an overview of the existing buildings and exhibition areas and learn how they can be used. Practical tips and suggestions will also be given, which can be helpful for planning a successful excursion. The event is also intended to give teachers the opportunity to exchange ideas with the museum education team at Saalburg in order to develop future museum programmes in a targeted manner. Questions and comments from participants are therefore particularly welcome.
Duration approx. 90 minutes
Kosten: 13 € pro Person (inkl. Eintritt, Führung und als Informationsmaterial den Museumsführer „Römerkastell Saalburg – Rundgang durch den archäologischen Park“)
The event is accredited as further training by the Hessian Teachers' Academy. Participants will receive a certificate of attendance if required.
Registration required up to one week before the event at info@saalburgmuseum.de