Fortbildung für Lehrkräfte
June 12, 2025

Training for teachers

During the joint tour of the museum grounds, the museum education team will introduce teachers of all types of schools to the most important areas, provide insights into the educational concept and pointers to thematic starting points for lessons. New materials are available for teachers to use in preparation for and after the visit, and these will also be presented. The event will also give teachers the opportunity to exchange ideas with the Saalburg museum education team in order to be able to develop future museum offerings in a targeted manner. We are happy to discuss all questions about the visit and the preparation of content in lessons according to the grade level and type of school.

4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
14 € pro Person (inkl. Eintritt, Führung und als Informationsmaterial den Museumsführer „Römerkastell Saalburg – Rundgang durch den archäologischen Park“ sowie Unterlagen, die zur Vor- und Nachbereitung genutzt werden können.)

The event is accredited as advanced training by the Hessian Teachers' Academy. A certificate of participation will be issued upon request.

Registration required until June 9th at

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