Current research


The reconstruction of the Saalburg and its surroundings was accompanied by intensive research by the Saalburg staff. One of the scientific focal points was the history of the Limes and the Limes hinterland - especially in the immediate vicinity of the Saalburg. Essential findings and parts of the rich find material from the Saalburg and the neighbouring Limes forts were presented in scientific publications, which are still regarded as standard works today.

Experimental archaeology was part of scientific practice at Saalburg even before the term was actually coined. At the beginning of the 20th century, for example, there were already successful experiments on entrenchments with replicas of Roman tools and on the functioning of various ancient guns.

Scientifically supervised, practical experiments complemented the research into the excavated and reconstructed Roman heating systems. More recently, this tradition has been continued with the reconstruction of Roman workshops in the exhibition area and the operation of a brick kiln modelled on Roman examples.

To this day, one of the main tasks of the Research Institute at Saalburg Roman Fort is to process the finds in the Saalburg storehouse. The Saalburg therefore offers scientific colleagues the opportunity to work on the collection and publish scientific papers.

For a Wilhelminian monument with Roman roots, building research is an important focus of research that involves co-operation with universities and other scientific institutions.


The heart of the research institute is the extensive specialist library, which now includes over 35,000 volumes. The focus is on provincial Roman archaeology.

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