German Limes Commission

Ein lichtdurchfluteter Buchenwald, durch den die Überreste des Limes als langer Bodenwall mit Graben davor verlaufen.


In 2003 the German Limes Commission was founded as a committee for coordination between the participating federal states. It is the point of contact for all activities relating to the protection, exploration and tourist presentation of the Upper German-Raetian Limes.

The commission is composed of fourteen representatives from universities, research institutions and museums on the Limes, the German Limes Road Association, the state archaeologists and representatives of the ministries responsible for monument protection.

Click here to go to the DLK homepage.

Further information

Verein Deutsche Limes-Straße e. V.
Limes Information Center Baden-Württemberg
Central Bavarian Limes Information Center
Limes Information Center Rhineland-Palatinate
hessenARCHÄOLOGIE ( see "Limes World Heritage Site")

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