Special exhibitions

in the Saalburg Roman fort



Our “Gambling Den” is open again!

You will currently find our " Gambling Den" in the large exhibition room of the Fabrica. Numerous tables await you where you can play games from Roman times.


But there are also several hands-on stations where you can familiarise yourself with various handicraft techniques of Roman times with your own hands. A colouring station awaits all those who can't keep their fingers away from pen and paper.

And last but not least, a large model of the fort with a media station where you can familiarise yourself extensively with the various buildings of the fort and their functions.

In the “Gambling Denl” the motto is: get your hands out and get started!



Spot on! Scenes of a Roman city

Important Roman cities were planned on the drawing board with streets and house fronts running at right angles. The Romans used the Groma, a surveying instrument consisting of a sighting cross and plumb lines. But how did people live in a Roman city like Trier? There were public squares with administrative buildings and sanctuaries. For fountains and thermal baths...

Mit Wucht wird ein Holzhammer auf ein römisches Spaltmesser geschlagen und spaltet damit ein Stück Holzstamm.

Hammer! Crafting like Celts and Romans

ools in our hobby room look back on a long history. The manufacture of everyday objects used to be a necessity. Celtic and Roman craftsmen were characterised by their ingenuity and knowledge of materials when inventing new tools and selecting materials.

Die moderne Replik eines griechischen Kinderstuhls aus Keramik mit Vögeln und Ornamenten verziert.

Shit on it! A short cultural history of the quiet room

Actually, it's a very commonplace topic for an exhibition. Why talk about it? Everyone has one, everyone uses it - what is there to report? On the other hand, even the "little room" has a long history and, in addition to civilizing facts, also offers material for jokes, anecdotes and insults. It was certainly...

Eine Ansammlung erleuchteter Laternen vor dunklem Hintergrund.

Sun of Justice. Roman religion(s) and the emergence of the Christian Christmas

An exhibition in cooperation with the Bibelhaus Erlebnis Museum Frankfurt. For early Christians, the birth of Jesus of Nazareth plays no special role. The oldest evangelist Mark does not even report it. Instead, Christians celebrate Jesus' death and resurrection. The question of when his birth took place is controversial among Christians...

Das Haupttor des Römerkastells Saalburg mit einem langen Stück Mauer der Frontseite und davor die grün bewachsene Doppelgraben. Eine Brück mit Holzgeländer führt über die Gräben zum Tor hin. Alles ist geramt von grünen und groß gewachsenen Bäumen.

Rome is alive!… and we are in the middle of it!

Pour wine as a slave, march with the Roman soldiers or pull rotten teeth as a doctor? This is how visitors can get involved with the Romans. Large-format oil paintings surprise with amazing 3D effects. Scenes from everyday life, intimate or spectacular, tempt you to immerse yourself in the lively world of the Romans. You will be transported by...

Das Haupttor des Römerkastells Saalburg mit einem langen Stück Mauer der Frontseite und davor die grün bewachsene Doppelgraben. Eine Brück mit Holzgeländer führt über die Gräben zum Tor hin. Alles ist geramt von grünen und groß gewachsenen Bäumen.

From sheep to tunic

The exhibition focusses on the raw material wool and the production process of textiles in Roman times. Original artefacts from the fort, such as spinning whorls and loom weights, provide an insight into the trades of spinning and weaving. Replicas of tools illustrate individual work steps and help to trace ancient techniques.


Of bows and arrows

The journey through the history of bow and arrow shows selected original finds, reconstructions of Roman reflex bows, a replica of the bow weapon of the Celtic ruler of Glauberg and the legendary English longbow. An excursion leads to the natives of Africa and the Indians of North and South America. Replicas of almost all prehistoric and early historical bow finds provide an insight into...

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